20 MARCH 2023
Cross-recognition scheme for mediators formally launched by an intentional alliance for mediation standards
A scheme to recognise the credentials of mediators across borders has been formally launched by the Alliance of Organisations for Mediation Standards (AMS). The arrangement allows specific tiers of accredited mediators from each member organisation to apply directly for an equivalent tier of accreditation with another member organisation.
“Our accredited mediators who take this opportunity to be cross-recognised potentially create avenues for themselves to co-mediate disputes with mediators under different Alliance members. In the process, mediation as a professional dispute resolution mechanism will be promoted, and mediation service standards will be practised and upheld.” – Joint statement by Alliance members
AMS is a collaboration between five mediation bodies based in France, Hong Kong SAR, Malaysia, Portugal and Singapore respectively. Formed in April 2021, these like-minded bodies seek to uphold high standards in the provision of mediation services and promote the use of co-mediation in partnership with mediators in different centres. A primary vehicle to achieve this is through establishing a cross-recognition arrangement between member bodies.
As a member of the Alliance, The Singapore International Mediation Institute (SIMI) is pleased to announce that our accredited mediators can now apply to any or all of the other four member organisations of the Alliance to have their credentials recognised.
Through extensive discussions, the members of AMS have now agreed on the implementation details of this cross-recognition arrangement, which was set out as a fundamental objective under the Memorandum of Understanding signed by AMS.
AMS also invites other mediation organisations to join the alliance to further enhance the development of the global mediation industry.
For mediators from AMC, ICFML, IDRRMI and IFCM:
If you interested in applying for cross-recognition with SIMI, please refer to the
Information Sheet for the application process, and write to us with supporting documents (as relevant) at to obtain the relevant certification letter.
here for information on the cross-recognition scheme.
Please contact us at if you have any queries.
20 March 2023