Proudly presenting "Contemporary Issues In Mediation Volume 5"!

CIIM Volume 5

This is the fifth volume in the widely acclaimed series, "Contemporary Issues in Mediation", and was officially launched on 5 November 2020 via Zoom. 

CIIM Volume 5 is a collection of the best entries of the 5th Singapore International Mediation Institute Annual Mediation Essay Competition.

Contemporary Issues in Mediation (CIIM) Volume 5 builds on the success of the past four volumes as testament to a growing interest of authors and readers in the wide variety of issues that arise with mediation. Readers stand to benefit from a diverse range of topics selected for their high quality of research and novelty. With the recent signing of the Singapore Convention on Mediation in August 2019, there is no doubt that mediation is and will continue to be extremely pertinent in the world of dispute resolution. Edited by Singapore's leading expert on mediation and negotiation, Professor Joel Lee (National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law), the Chief Executive Officer of SIMI, Mr. Marcus Lim, and Assistant Professor Dorcas Quek Anderson (Singapore Management University, Faculty of Law), CIIM Volume 5 is a unique and valuable addition to the growing body of mediation and dispute resolution literature.

The book launch for CIIM Vol 5 was done online, use this link to watch a recording of the launch!





  1. Imagine Me and You: Assessing Relationships in Singapore
    By Yang Xi Wee

  2. Religious Disputes and Mediation
    By Ishita Mathur

  3. The Singapore Convention on Mediation: International Commercial Mediation on Her Own Two Feet
    By Celine Lange

  4. Mediation in Armed Conflict — Reflecting on the Changing Landscape of Armed Conflict, Parties’ Motivations and Its Impacts on Peaceful Resolution
    By Eden Low
  5. A Call for a Renewal of Investor–State Mediation
    By Florent Testud
  6. Mediator, Become Human: What Can, and Should, Artificial Intelligence Do in Mediation?
    By Wen Rui Jin
  7. Taking Power Imbalance at Its Extreme: A Case Study of Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore
    By Muhd Nur Hidayat Bin Amir
  8. The Power of Mediation: Exploring Mediation’s Approach to Power Imbalance
    By Leanne Cheng
  9. A Critical Analysis of Mandatory Mediation in the Family Justice Courts in Singapore
    By Shalini Rajasegar
  10. Mediation Confidentiality: Authentic or Delusory?
    By Terrence Guan Wei Lerh
  11. Surpassing the Challenges of Mandatory Mediation as a Stakeholder in Interest-Based Mediation
    By Samuel Navindran
  12. Good Faith Since Toshin: A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding and Encouraging Good Faith in Mediation
    By Walter Yeo





E-copies of the essays are also available through our publisher here.



"Having mediated with people from around the world – all with different temperaments, different faiths and different worldviews, I appreciated that mediation is a wonderfully flexible dispute resolution tool that works for the full range of cultures and personalities. This book reflects that very important aspect of mediation and one of its most important strengths, with several types of conflict. I invite anyone who is interested in mediation to delve into the refreshing range of essays offered in this book."

Mr Geoff Sharp
Founding Partner of Maxwell Mediators, Singapore
SIMI Certified Mediator

"The diverse topics presented in this volume are extremely pertinent and timely. All those who are engaged in dispute resolution, whether professional mediators, university lecturers or those aspiring to be involved in mediation, will find the ideas within challenging, insightful and thought-provoking. As one of the drafters of the Singapore Convention on Mediation and President-Elect of the International Academy of Mediators, I believe in the need to critically analyze and provide a balanced view of both the latest developments in and the long-accepted principles of mediation. The depth of thought and level of maturity displayed by these young law students and mediators give me great hope for a bright future for the mediation profession, which over time will serve to change preconceived biases and assumptions, thereby benefitting the wider world."

Mr Michel Kallipetis QC FCIArb 
Independent Mediators Limited
President Elect International Academy of Mediators